Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My beautiful Godaughter - the butterfly

well its only 20days till chrissy - and I hope everyone is into the Christmas sprit...

We put the Tree up last weekend, in a typical Aussie fashion, 38degree heat and all the trimmings.

Isaac is looking forward to his party this weekend, lots of people are comming to celebrate his joining into God's family. It will be a fantastic day! Thanx to Granny's cooking....

Bean emailed me some great photo's so I wanted to share them with you all.

love aliey

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Baptism Date 10th Dec 2006

Hi everyone
Its been awhile since the last message went up...
Really busy with work, sorry family!
If you are reading this, your invited Family & friends.
I wanted to remind everyone that Isaac's baptism is one the 10th of Dec at 11.30am at St Micheal's catholic Church, in North St, Nowra and lunch afterwards at Rivendell, cambewarra.
I just wanted to say Thankyou to Uncle Buzz & Aunty Evie for accepting the roles of Godparents - it is a wonderful thing to have great friends who will support Isaac's faith.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

First week of School Holidays

Well the first week of school holidays is over -
Isaac has been having fun at Kids Korner, he went on a bus ride to Wollongong to see a fire safety play and had lots of fun.
Russell Hall was sold and we have a new licensee-in-charge, Gerry... He has some great ideas to make us the best agents in town - I am looking forward to it.
Marc got 100% in his last exam - Yey!!!!! and he is out celebrating with the boys - I wonder what they are doing (lots of one arm physical activity). Its Normies bucks party - the last hooray before his wedding. I will take photos of marc when he gets home.... if he gets home....
love & kisses

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Enjoying life

I have had some great responses from friends and family about the blog, remember that you all can add items to this site or leave messages, just add them to the link.
It is a family effort.
I saw Annabelle Jo Maree Crago, over the weekend. She is beautiful - we all know that I'm not a huge baby fan - but I fell in love with her straight away - its really sweet that we have a girl to dress up know -
Isaac is breathing a sigh of relief - as I wont try and make him wear dresses anymore... lol
It's a QLD thing.....

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Flickr: Photos from aliey

I have added this link so you can automatically view the online album.

Well the first blog worked... this is a work in progress.
The week in past

It's monday on the Oct long weekend - and we are feeling a little sorry for ourselves, too many beers and vodaks last night at Rick & Linda's place last night while watching the NRL final. I gave up and went home with Isaac around 12am, Marc stumbled home some time after me - and he still is in bed - not as young as he used to be....

Isaac's big acheivement this week - he clocked Star Wars Lego 2 in a week. Just like Marc, Isaac seems to be 'one with the force' when it comes to PS2 and Xbox games. School holidays start tomorrow and Isaac will be enjoying his break at Kids Korner for the next 2 weeks.

Marc has finished his types course, and nowhas started work at his new SQD - 817 Sea Kings.
1 week in, and he is talking about changing employment again....

Bella the ballerina - has been cruisin around, chasing butterflies and playing with Isaac.

Mailbox the kitty cat - has hurt his leg, but it seems to be better in the last few days. Late nights with the neighbourhood boys (other cats) takes it out of him and all he does during the day is sleep and occassionally mewo. Just like his Daddy, Marc.

Aliey - I have had my first weekend off from work and it has been fantastic - staying in my jammies and playing with Isaac. I did go into work on friday for about 1 hour and sold a house that I had been working on for a few weeks. Gotta love Real Estate.

Let me know what I can do to improve faltychurches Blog.

love aliey

This is my first attempt at blogging - so patience is required.
Please let me know if I can do things better and easier.

When we live so far away from loved ones, this seems like a great way to keep in touch.
